<aside> 💡 Tip: To edit and publish notebooks, you don’t even need to start the kernels. Notebooks offer a rich interface to create and publish your work including text, code, markup.



Ploutos notebooks are designed to be minimalist, joyful and fast. They are built using jupyterlab https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ components and are compatible with jupyterlab. You can bring any .ipynb file as a Ploutos notebook. Some of the key features include:

  1. Always on and constant editing available. You don’t need to start the kernel to edit and publish the notebook. In fact even while the kernel is starting, you can continue editing. This is a huge productivity improvement and a difference between jupyterlab notebooks and Ploutos notebooks.
  2. Collaborate in Real time. You can collaborate in real time and co-edit notebooks with specific individuals that you add as a collaborator.
  3. Built in GPU Infrastructure. Simply pick any type of GPUs from A100, T4, V100 and start the kernel. GPU Kernels can take a few minutes to start, while you continue to edit.
  4. Built in Terminal. Ploutos notebooks include full terminal access to the notebook using shell giving our users the power and freedom to do what they need.

Working with notebooks (projects)

After you have launched the Creator’s App from your dashboard, it will open in a separate browser tab. Ploutos has many different tools within the platform such as notebooks, batch jobs, workspaces, drive and endpoints. In this guide, we will learn more about notebooks. You can create a notebook from the Home page by clicking Create + button and selecting notebook. Alternatively, you can go into notebooks from the side nav bar and select notebooks and then press Create + at the top left.

  1. Create a notebook project

On the home page of the Creator’s App, you can press Create + button and select notebook. That will open a modal window like the following:


You can choose from Empty File, Filesystem, Drive or GitHub. and then type a notebook name and press the Create button. If you already have projects on your computer(filesystem) or GitHub, you can bring them. You will need to select the folder containing the notebook and then select the main notebook.

Excellent, you just created your first notebook . You can now start editing it using the notebook cells.

  1. Create a new code cell. You can create cells by clicking on any of the following buttons:


The cells are created under the current active cell. Ploutos notebooks are based on jupyterlab components and if you are familiar with jupyter, you will get going in a breeze. If you are new to notebooks, you will be comfortable in a few minutes.

  1. Start the notebook kernel