Publish Projects (notebooks/ batch jobs/ workspaces)

Let’s imagine, you just created an amazing notebook on LLMs. Congrats! Now you want to highlight it on your portfolio and may be share it on Social Media. Publishing a project is super simple. You can publish the notebook/batchjob/workspace by pressing the Publish button at the top left's shown below.


Publishing project

This will open a modal window as shown below with the following fields - Summary (Readme), Task Category, Tasks, Tags. Make sure to fill all those information so the viewers can search by those fields. Once you publish, you can see the published URL on the modal window, simply click on it to copy and open it in a different browser tab. Alternatively, if you go to, you will see the published project right there.


Un-publish a Published project

Un-publishing a project can be done by simply toggling the Published button on the above modal window.