<aside> 💡 Ploutos Tip: Ploutos is a Github authorized partner and you can simply connect with Github and that’s it. Learn more below.


1. Concepts

In order to bring your existing work - code (notebook projects, python projects intended to run as batch or interactive workspace), files, assets in Ploutos, there are a few different ways.

2. Connect with GitHub

Connecting with GitHub is only required once. Navigate to notebooks, batch jobs or workspaces. Press on Create + at the top and this will open a modal window with a few tabs like the following:

When you click on From GitHub, the app will connect with Github and ask for authorization. The authorization will give Ploutos permission to act on your behalf to access private repos and gists.


3. Bring projects to Ploutos Drive

You can upload all your projects to Ploutos Drive once and organize it. In order to manage Drive, click on the Ellipsis button. Once you have upload content, you can simply click on From Drive to create notebook, batch jobs and workspace projects.


4. Create a notebook or batch job or workspace from Drive:

When you press Create + button from either of the notebooks home, batch jobs home or workspace home, you will see a window similar to below and then you can click on From Drive and select the folder that has the project (notebook/batchjob/workspace) content. Here is the screenshot:
